Damaged skin such as these were restored after 6 weeks with Kosmobalm
Using Kosmobalm after traditional treatment failed
The result of Kosmocydin, which increases blood circulation, used along with Kosmobalm can be seen above.
The result of Kosmocydin, which increases blood circulation, used along with Kosmobalm can be seen above.
Dorette Cronje - "My dogter het dit gebruik. Syt n probleem vel en dit (Kosmobalm) werk regtig."
Translated- "My daughter used it. She has a problem skin and it (Kosmobalm) really works"
Suretha - "My ma het n GROOT brandwond aan haar arm gehad en dit (Kosmobalm) het haar genees sonder enige merke wat agter gebly het."
Translated- "My mother had large burns on her arm and it (Kosmobalm) healed her without any scars left behind"
Lizet Scutte - "Die beste op die mark! Ek kry soveel wonderlike terugvoer oor die salf..."
Translated- "The best on the market! I get so much excellent feedback about this ointment..."
Leanda Cummings - "Oh goodness, I were able to replace my expensive day and night creams with Kosmobalm"